
register a plane

Register a Plane National Aviation Center

Why do you have to register a plane? Well, in order for you to be able to fly, your aircraft needs to be registered with the Federal Aviation Administration. This is simply the airplane version of registering your car at the DMV. For safety reasons, it’s good for the FAA to be aware and keep…

reinstate aircraft

Reinstate Aircraft Registration if Expired

We all know that your aircraft registration needs to be valid in order to be able to fly, which means that you shouldn’t let it expire. Let’s talk about the process to renew your registration and, should you need to, how to reinstate aircraft registration. When to Renew Your Airplane Registration? If you want to…

changing aircraft registration

Changing Aircraft Registration

Aircraft registration is the most important administrative component of your airplane ownership. After all, this will be the official way to recognize the aircraft and your claim over it. Now, this means that should any information relevant to the documentation change, you will have to update it. Here’s a quick guide to the process of…

aviation registration

Aviation Registration Update

Part of owning an aircraft will be making sure that it is always in order as far as administrative documentation goes. This doesn’t just mean getting your aviation registration in the first place, but also updating it whenever necessary. Let’s go over the different circumstances in which you might need to do so, including how…

faa transfer

FAA Transfer of Ownership Form and Other Uses

Dealing with any sort of FAA process is not necessarily simple. Like a lot of bureaucratic applications, these tend to be overly complicated. When we are talking about an FAA transfer, for example, we are referring to one form that has at least three different uses. What are these uses and how should you navigate…

airplane security agreement

Understanding the Reasons Behind an Airplane Security Agreement

Your aircraft, just like similar belongings, can be used as collateral as part of loans, deals, and agreements, but since it’s registered with the Federal Aviation Administration, it’s always a good idea to make sure that each claim over the aircraft is documented in an official capacity. This is what an airplane security agreement is…

plane reinstatement

The Process for Plane Reinstatement Explained

If you have gone any length of time without renewing your aircraft registration, be it one day or several years, you will have to go through a reinstatement process in order to restore its validity. That’s right, the renewal process will only work if your registration has not expired yet, so this will not be…