FAA renewal registration form

File Your FAA Renewal Registration Form Before Your Registration Expires

Whenever your airplane registration’s expiration date is coming up, you might wonder how and when you are going to renew it. The FAA renewal registration form is not that complicated, but it is definitely important. So, how do you have to file for it? What happens if the registration has already expired? Let’s take a look at this whole process to help you through it.

Navigating Your Airplane FAA Renewal Registration Form

Whether your registration has already expired or it expires soon will be very important to get your airplane FAA renewal registration form submitted if you want to continue using it in accordance with the regulations of the Federal Aviation Administration. After all, it is mandatory for all aircraft to have their registration in place when in use in United States airspace. However, you have to navigate the process differently depending on the current state of your registration, so keep that in mind. You will need to use different forms altogether depending on whether the registration is about to expire or already has, so allow us to guide you through the process depending on the case scenario.

Your Registration is Soon to Expire

So, if your registration is actually expiring soon, you will want to renew it before the expiration date actually hits. The recommended time to do this is within three months of the expiration date, so that you can allow enough time for the renewal application to go through, leaving no gaps in the active registration. The renewal form will only require you to provide some basic information about your aircraft’s registration, as well as your contact information and a payment method for the $65 renewal fee. The process is pretty straightforward, as you can see, so don’t worry if you’re in a hurry to renew it before expiration. As long as your registration hasn’t expired by the time your application gets to the FAA, there shouldn’t be a problem.

Your Registration Expired Already

On the other hand, if your registration has already expired, then you can’t use the FAA renewal registration form. Instead, you will have to file the reinstatement form. You cannot renew your registration if it has already expired, but that doesn’t mean that you need to start all over again. Your registration is still stored in the FAA database, meaning that you will just need to use the re-registration form in order to reinstate it and make sure it’s valid again. The process in and of itself is not that much different from the renewal one save for the application fee. This is why it’s important to make sure that you file your FAA renewal form before it expires.

FAA renewal registration form

Federal Aviation Administration

At the National Aviation Center, we are well aware of two things: one, that you most likely want your aircraft ownership to be as smooth as your flying, and two, that you don’t want to have to deal with complicated forms and applications in order to do so. To make sure you’re covered on both ends, we have established the ideal platform for all your aircraft documentation needs. This way, you don’t have to worry about the complex aspects of your ownership while enjoying all the best ones. And remember that, should you ever need help during this process, you are always welcome to reach out to our team with any questions you might have.