
Airplane Airworthiness Certificate

What is an Airplane Airworthiness Certificate?

There is nothing quite like flying your own aircraft. Soaring up above the clouds, thousands of miles north of the stresses of life on the ground, the relaxing, liberating feeling that comes with aviation is unmatched. Of course, piloting your own airplane is also a significant responsibility. To get to the point where you can…

Is There an Aircraft Database to Use?

Whether you are looking to purchase an airplane as part of your business, or you are doing so for your personal use, getting as much information as you can about a plane you are interested in is going to be something you need to do. You need as many specifics as you can get regarding…

Aircraft FAA Renewal

Aircraft FAA Renewal: How to Get It Done for Your Aircraft?

Airplanes are a luxury commodity. However, as some Americans become richer, affording them has been made easier than it used to be. Looking at the ever-increasing trend, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has developed a well-structured legal framework to regulate buying, selling, possessing, and operating aircraft in the US. If you are new to owning…


What is the N-number? A Definition for Beginners

If you are in the market to purchase your own airplane, you have probably spent some time around an airfield or two. You can probably recognize the different types of commercial and personal aircraft. Maybe you know specific makes or models, or can even identify the year in which a plane was built. What you…

faa aircraft registration

Find Out How to Complete an FAA Aircraft Registration

Aviation is truly a pastime unlike any other. When you are piloting your own aircraft, miles above the earth, weaving between the clouds, there is a sense of freedom that other hobbies simply cannot match. For those who are drawn to aviation, it is often an interest that they develop at a young age, spending…

Airplane Claim of Lien

What is an Airplane Claim of Lien?

In many ways, airplanes are a marvel of engineering. Able to soar miles above the ground, transporting passengers from city to city, it is truly amazing that this technology is at our disposal. Things have certainly come a long way since the Wright brothers took off from Kitty Hawk, North Caroline, though the same basic…