Aircraft Registration

Should You Use Your Plane Dealer’s Aircraft Registration?

Are you ready to hit the open blue skies in your new aircraft? Are you prepared to fly anywhere from 460-575mph? Not so fast! You’ll need to apply for a Certificate of Aircraft Registration from the FAA Aircraft Registry before you can legally operate any aircraft within the U.S. This certificate should be in the aircraft before an Airworthiness Certificate is ever issued. 

When you purchase an aircraft, you’ll receive a Registration Certificate from the dealer. But, what exactly is a Dealer’s Aircraft Certificate, and what should you know about them?

What Is a Dealer’s Aircraft Registration Certificate?

A dealer’s Aircraft Registration Certificate is another type of registration and identification. This certificate allows manufacturers to make any required flight tests of aircraft. This certificate extends to all aircraft including planes and helicopters.

This type of dealer’s certificate will also facilitate operating, demonstrating, and merchandising aircraft by the dealer without the burden of obtaining a proper Certificate of Registration. 

Basically, a Dealer’s Registration Certificate is an alternative for the Certificate of Registration. This certification allows dealers and manufacturers to maintain their aircraft and run flight tests with the intention to sell.

Aircraft Registration

Should You Use Your Dealer’s Aircraft Registration Certificate?

No, you should never use your plane dealer’s Aircraft Certificate. Using your dealer’s Registration Certificate is illegal and can result in negative consequences. Your dealer should remove this certificate after the purchase.

To legally fly your aircraft, you’ll need to meet the proper Certificate of Aircraft Registration requirements. 

Certificate of Aircraft Registration Requirements

  1. A U.S. citizen, whether they be an individual or a corporation. If a corporation, the president, and two-thirds of the board of directors must be U.S. citizens.
  2. A United States resident alien.
  3. A lawfully organized non-citizen corporation that is doing business under the laws of the U.S. However, they must use the aircraft predominantly in the United States (60% of all flights must start and end in the U.S.)
  4. A unit or subdivision of the U.S. Government

It’s important to note, any aircrafts registered in another country are not eligible for registration in the United States. So if an individual has an airplane that was previously registered in a foreign country, they’ll need to make sure they have a copy of the de-registration notice.

So, Can You Use Your Dealer’s Aircraft Certificate?

Unfortunately, when you purchase an aircraft, you will not be able to use your Dealer’s Aircraft Certificate. To fly legally, you’ll need to get an Aircraft Registration Certificate of your own.

There are multiple registration and eligibility requirements you’ll have to meet before you can receive any certifications. These forms can be confusing, causing many individuals headaches and frustration. 

Luckily, the National Aviation Center has made the registration process incredibly easy for every aspiring pilot. You can check out our page here for more information on initial registration, sign-up, and other necessary forms!