Check Plane Registration

Do You Need to Check Plane Registration? Here’s How to Take Care of That

If you need to check plane registration, there are a variety of ways for you to do so. Lucky for you, everything you will need to take care of will be all available for you on our own platform.

Check Plane Registration

As an aircraft owner, you should always check plane registration to make sure that it is in good standing so that you are able to fly it properly and in order. There are a variety of different ways for you to do this. Maybe you need to check the state of the aircraft in terms of its administrative registration, or perhaps you need to check in on potential claims of lien or similar financial holdings. Here at the National Aviation Center, we can help you with both of these things.

Validity of Registration

In order to operate your aircraft in the United States, you need to have its registration in order. To make sure that’s the case, be sure to check plane registration certificates for their expiration date. If it’s coming up, then you better do something about it. You should ideally be filing for renewal no earlier than three months before the expiration date and no later than one month. This should give you enough time to make sure the renewal is processed before the expiration date hits. Should your registration expire, you will not be able to fly your airplane until the renewal is properly processed and your certificate is once again valid. Keep in mind that, should more than thirty days pass after the expiration date, you will no longer have to file for renewal and have to, instead, file for reinstatement. You can do both right here.

Information About the Registration

All the information that is submitted to the Federal Aviation Administration is stored in the Civil Aviation Registry, and it is readily available for you to consult if you need to check plane registration data. This doesn’t mean that this is all at hand whenever you want it. Some basic data will be available on the query lookup in the Federal Aviation Administration’s website. However, if you want more comprehensive information about the aircraft, including past ownerships, you will have to request an aircraft abstract of title. This is a compilation of all registered documentation attached to a particular aircraft, and you can request it through the application on our website. Just head over to the abstract form on our menu and you’ll get started soon enough.

Check Plane Registration
File For Transcript Requests

Not a lot of stuff is more tedious than administrative paperwork, and as exciting as owning an aircraft is, the required documentation is no exception. Because of this, we at the National Aviation Center are well aware of this fact, which is why we’ve made sure to make it all easier for you. Here on our website you’ll be able to find everything you need when it comes to filing your paperwork with the Federal Aviation Administration, be it for initial registration, renewal, or reinstatement. And, regardless of what it is you need help with, be sure to reach out to our team with your doubts and questions and we’ll make sure to answer them.