If you have logged all the necessary training hours, studied hard, and passed the requisite exam to obtain your pilot’s license, you are in elite company. Having the privilege to soar above the clouds, completely on your own in the cockpit, is a privilege that most will never know. If aviation has long been a dream of yours, you understand what a luxury it is to finally be up in the air, putting your knowledge and experience to good use. Of course, to truly maximize that feeling of freedom, you are going to want to have your own aircraft. When you own your own plane, you can take off whenever the desire should strike, and the travel possibilities become truly limitless. If you are in the process of looking at airplanes, or if you have recently purchased an aircraft, you are going to want to familiarize yourself a bit with Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) paperwork. Specifically, before you are cleared for take off, you are going to need to obtain proper airplane registration documents.
Buying your own airplane is a major investment, and it is one that most people will never be in a position to make. Let’s face it, an airplane is one of the most expensive possessions that you can own, and you should consider yourself fortunate if you are in a position to finalize the purchase of your very own aircraft. In part due to the price tag, and also because you want a safe, well-maintained airplane, you are going to want to do a fair amount of research before you make any sort of offer. That means reading up on the various different types of airplanes and scouring online and print listings before finding the aircraft that is right for you. Once you have located the plane of dreams, and have agreed on a price with the seller, you are nearly ready to gear up for take off. All that remains on your part is completing an AC Form 8050-1 with the FAA–and at the National Aviation Center, we can help.
How Do You Complete an Airplane Registration?
In your time as an aviator, and an airplane owner, you can expect to work with the FAA from time to time. As this federal agency is tasked with monitoring and regulating the United States’ skies, they have a challenging and important task. By doing your part to keep your information accurate and current with the FAA, you can navigate the skies with the peace of mind that comes with knowing you have satisfied your legal obligations.
To register your aircraft with the FAA, you will need to complete an AC Form 8050-1. This document will prompt you for your name and address, as well as the make, model, and serial number for your aircraft. You can use our online forms to do this quickly and easily over the web.
Process Your FAA Aircraft Registration Online
At the National Aviation Center, we have all the web forms you need to process your FAA applications online. To learn more about how we can help you, take a few moments to browse our forms, or contact us by phone or email with any questions you may have.