When you are considering becoming the owner of a plane, you likely will find yourself looking at the secondary market to see what is for sale. While new planes direct from the manufacturer are wonderful, not everyone buying a plane for the first time may have the funds available to splurge like that. Looking at used aircraft can save you significant amounts of money. Hopefully, you can find just the plane you are seeking that can last you for a long time. With any large purchase like this, doing your homework is essential, so you can be sure you are getting what you pay for. A time like calls for investigating the FAA registration number list so you can locate information about any aircraft you have interest in.
Information on the Registration List
The FAA maintains the federal of all the individual and commercial aircraft in the United States. All planes, according to U.S. law, need to be registered, so there is a record of them in the database. When you see an airplane for sale, all you need is some information regarding the plane, and you can look it up on the database. The registration number, known as the N-number in the United States, is displayed on each aircraft and is information you should be able to get either from a picture of the plane or from the owner. Armed with just this number, you can find out what year the aircraft was built, who the manufacturer is, what the plane is used for, what type of engine it has, when it was registered, and much more.
How the List Helps You
The FAA registration number list can be immensely helpful to you. Once you get some of the background data of an aircraft, you can decide if the plane meets the criteria you have for your investment. If it does not, you can always move on to other options on the market today. If it does, you may want to take things a step further and request an abstract of the aircraft from the FAA. Getting an abstract is a small investment that will allow you to receive more information about the plane, including records that let you know if there are any liens on the airplane you need to be concerned about.
Getting Your Own Registration
After you have made use of the FAA registration number list and have moved forward with a purchase of an airplane, you should come to us here at the National Aviation Center so you can get your plane registered under your name. Our agency provides electronic versions of the applications and forms you may need to file with the FAA. We make submissions as easy as possible so you can ask for an abstract, register a new plane, renew your registration and much more without a fuss. Fill out your forms in minutes, send them to us for review, and pass them along to the FAA for you, so you have no hassles in getting your aircraft set up.