aircraft initial registration

Kicking the Tires on Your Aircraft Initial Registration

Have you gone through all of the trouble to get your aircraft, but aren’t sure how the registration process works? Are you about to take off with your plane and realize that there might be some paperwork you haven’t completed? These questions are natural, common, and perfectly understandable. You didn’t get an airplane only so…

federal aviation administration

Complying With the Federal Aviation Administration Before You Takeoff

If you get on your aircraft without registering it with the Federal Aviation Administration, it will still take off. The wheels will still work, the engine will still ignite, and the wings will lift you up into the sky. However, you won’t be doing it legally. As much as you may enjoy being up in…

plane change of address

Plane Change of Address: For When Life Changes Course

For many of us, when we buy an aircraft, it feels like both a beginning and an ending. It can be the beginning of our time as an aircraft owner, the start of our new life owning this particular aircraft, with all the resultant dreams and hopes. Alternatively, it can also feel like an ending:…

aircraft registration

Aircraft Registration by Land, Sea, and Air

“I never have time to fill out my aircraft registration.” “Yes, I know it’s important to have my aircraft registered, but who has the time?” “Tomorrow, I’ll complete the registration for my aircraft. In the morning. First thing. When I get up.” Those are just a few of the excuses that we often hear from…

aircraft database

Better Access to the Aircraft Database for Busy Airplane Owners

The day-to-day life of an aircraft owner tends to be busy, to say the least. All of the upkeep and care that an aircraft demand is essentially a job in and of itself. Beyond that, it’s not like (contrary to some popular beliefs) the aircraft is not the only demand on your time. Between your…


Form 8050-1: Where the Runway Starts

Every flight begins somewhere. Think of everything you go through before you take your plane up into the sky. The preparation, the flight plan, the training – it all comes before that incredible moment where the plane leaves the ground. Your aircraft documentation has a beginning too. For many plane owners, that start would be…