register a plane

Register a Plane National Aviation Center

Why do you have to register a plane? Well, in order for you to be able to fly, your aircraft needs to be registered with the Federal Aviation Administration. This is simply the airplane version of registering your car at the DMV. For safety reasons, it’s good for the FAA to be aware and keep…

AC 8050-1 Form

Understanding the AC 8050-1 Form

We will be honest: not everyone is lucky enough to have a plane all for themselves. And the less people, the less information available. Therefore, it will not be strange if you just bought your plane and struggle to find the details you need for your aircraft registration. Fortunately, the National Aviation Center can help…

aviation registration

Aviation Registration Update

Part of owning an aircraft will be making sure that it is always in order as far as administrative documentation goes. This doesn’t just mean getting your aviation registration in the first place, but also updating it whenever necessary. Let’s go over the different circumstances in which you might need to do so, including how…

aircraft registration

When to File an Aircraft Registration Change of Address

Is aviation your primary pastime? If you have an affinity for all things airborne, you may be the nomadic type. After all, owning your own plane allows you the freedom to travel whenever you would like, wherever you would like. While this sort of mobility is great for long weekend excursions, it may also show…

FAA Aircraft Registration Renewal

FAA Aircraft Registration Renewal Made Simple

With summer fully upon us, it is a great time to take your airplane out for a spin. As an aircraft owner, you understand what a unique privilege it is to be able to clear the runway whenever you would like. That privilege, of course, comes with a fair amount of responsibility. It is up…

aircraft registration change of address

Aircraft Registration Change of Address

As is the case with any administrative registration, it’s important that you keep your aircraft documentation up to date if anything related to it changes at some point. Let’s talk about how you can do so via an aircraft registration change of address. Aircraft Registration Change  Your aircraft, like your car, needs to be registered…


AC8050-1 – The One Form You Need to Get Started

Is it time to register your aircraft but you don’t know where to begin? AC8050-1. That’s where it all starts. That’s the number for the “Aircraft Registration Application.” Or, as we call it on our site, “initial registration.” Here at the National Aviation Center, we’ve made it easier to fill out the forms to register…