Aircraft Registration

Aircraft Registration for Begginers

If you are taking your first steps in the aircraft industry, there is probably a lot to learn about. Other than the obvious mastering of the plane itself, there is a certain degree of paperwork you need to get familiar with before being able to fly around. N-number, Form 8050-1, Federal Aviation Administration, and Aircraft…

aircraft registration

Aircraft Registration Step By Step

You have spent your time with the right books, logged enough hours with an instructor, and now the time has come to purchase your own airplane. While you scour the internet for just the right listing, spending some time learning about the aircraft registration process can also prove helpful. With a solid knowledge base of…


Can I Choose My N-Number?

If your hobbies include taking to the skies, chances are good that you have an independent spirit. If you are a pilot with a streak of individualism, you may be interested in having a customized n-number that separates your airplane from others. Fortunately, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) does allow for a degree of personalization…

aircraft certificate of registration replacement

How to Get an Aircraft Certificate of Registration Replacement

Sometimes, keeping track of all the paperwork that life entails gets complicated. If you have misplaced your airplane’s registration document, there is no need to panic. You can obtain an aircraft certificate of registration replacement, and the National Aviation Center can help. As an airplane owner and aviator, you understand the responsibilities that come with…

aircraft registration

Can You Fly Without an Aircraft Registration?

If you own your own plane, you are likely familiar with the aircraft registration process. Chances are good that when your plane was purchased, you submitted a registration to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), along with several other pertinent pieces of documentation. What happens, however, if you forget to renew your registration? Can you still…

aircraft registration

How Long Does it Take to Get Your Aircraft Registration?

For many pilots, from the professionals to the more hobby-focused individuals, owning one’s own plane is the culmination of a lifelong dream. Since you were a child, you may have dreamt of one day taking to the skies on your own, free to take off at a moment’s notice whenever you feel so inclined. Experiencing…

aircraft registration

Aircraft Registration Requirements

Paperwork is often an unavoidable part of life. Be it for your job, car, home, or medical matters, you may find yourself tasked with navigating documentation matters on a daily basis. Owning your own airplane, and staying on top of your aircraft registration, is of course no exception. While there is a significant magnitude of…

AC 8050-1 Form

Understanding the AC 8050-1 Form

We will be honest: not everyone is lucky enough to have a plane all for themselves. And the less people, the less information available. Therefore, it will not be strange if you just bought your plane and struggle to find the details you need for your aircraft registration. Fortunately, the National Aviation Center can help…