Have trouble filing your aircraft registration renewal application? Well, look no further than the National Aviation Center for a guide on how to take care of this matter easily and quickly.
Aircraft Registration Renewal Application
Your aircraft registration is a key document that you will need to have set if you wish to fly your aircraft in the United States. But you already know that, don’t you? After all, you are most likely already operating your aircraft on a regular basis. What might sometimes pass you by is that you will have to renew it at some point that will depend on how long you got the initial registration for. This is not complicated, but you will have to pay particular attention to it throughout the process so as to not end up with an expired registration and, therefore, with a grounded aircraft. With this in mind, we’ve provided you with a brief guide for the aircraft registration renewal application.
Filing Renewal Application Before the Expiration Date
So, the first step in the process will always be to check your registration certificate in regards to the expiration date. Ideally, you want to be taking care of this process once you’re three months away from the date and no later than a month ahead of it. This way, you give yourself and the Federal Aviation Administration enough time to process your documentation before the expiration date hits, after which you will not be able to fly your plane until your renewal is processed and delivered. You will find the aircraft registration renewal application right here on our website for your convenience, so should your expiration date be coming up, head over to the corresponding tab on our menu and get started on it.
Filing For Renewal After the Expiration Date
Now, what happens if your expiration date snuck up on you and you didn’t have time to file for renewal? Well, lucky for you, the Federal Aviation Administration will give you a bit of a grace period of thirty days past the expiration date to submit your renewal forms. However, there are two things you need to keep in mind about this. One, you will not be able to fly your plane during this time period, even if you sent in the renewal application. Two, if you missed that grace period, you will no longer be able to file for renewal. Instead, you need to file for reinstatement of your aircraft registration. This is a different process altogether, but one that you can also file for by using our website.

Filing FAA Renewal Forms
Not a lot of stuff is more tedious than administrative paperwork, and as exciting as owning an aircraft is, the required documentation is no exception. Because of this, we at the National Aviation Center are well aware of this fact, which is why we’ve made sure to make it all easier for you. Here on our website you’ll be able to find everything you need when it comes to filing your paperwork with the Federal Aviation Administration, be it for initial registration, renewal, or reinstatement. And, regardless of what it is you need help with, be sure to reach out to our team with your doubts and questions and we’ll make sure to answer them.