airplane tail numbers

What Do Airplane Tail Numbers Mean? A 2022 Update

An airplane is a truly remarkable feat of engineering. With all of the mechanical components and design elements coming together to enable flight, planes instill a sense of wonder in individuals of all stripes. One aircraft aspect that you may find yourself curious about in particular are airplane tail numbers. If you have an interest…

airplane registration

How Long Does an Airplane Registration Last?

Buying your first aircraft calls for a fair amount of due diligence. Narrowing down your price range, scouring a sea of online listings, and completing quite a bit of paperwork during and after the transaction can be a time-consuming process. One of the more important pieces of documentation, the airplane registration, will be a form…

airplane registration

Getting to Know the Airplane Registration Process

Aviation is a pretty unique hobby. It takes a special sort of individual to want to pilot their own aircraft, cruising thousands of feet above the ground completely on their own. There is something to be said about the freedom afforded to those who pilot airplanes, and it is hard to beat the feeling of…

aircraft initial registration

A Brief Guide on Aircraft Initial Registration and Similar Forms

So, when it comes to registering your aircraft, you need to consider its standing with the Federal Aviation Administration. Let’s go into the specifics of aircraft initial registration and the other circumstances in which you might need to submit other registration forms. Aircraft Initial Registration When we are talking about an aircraft’s initial registration, it’s…