Airplane Claim of Lien

How to File an Airplane Claim of Lien

It is important to know about all of the liens and interests that exist on a piece of civil aircraft equipment. Be aware, as an existing lien on the desired airplane can halt a transaction and provide quite some trouble. Here you can find everything you need to know when recording or filing an airplane…

Airplane Claim of Lien

What to Know About an Airplane Claim of Lien

In many ways, an aircraft is a modern marvel of engineering. Able to soar to great heights and transport individuals across the globe, airplane technology has advanced rapidly since its invention more than 100 years ago. While planes have certainly become more reliable in recent times, they do require close attention and periodic maintenance. If…

Airplane Claim of Lien

What is an Airplane Claim of Lien?

In many ways, airplanes are a marvel of engineering. Able to soar miles above the ground, transporting passengers from city to city, it is truly amazing that this technology is at our disposal. Things have certainly come a long way since the Wright brothers took off from Kitty Hawk, North Caroline, though the same basic…