If you have purchased a plane and submitted an initial or transfer of registration, that is a great first step in the FAA documentation process. It is, however, not the end of your journey. Every three years, you will be required to renew your registration. Six months before your registration is set to expire, the FAA will send you a notice that is time to submit a renewal. In this notice will be a security code that you should reference in your application. If, for whatever reason, you stall on completing your renewal, another reminder will be sent out two months before your registration expires.
So, how do you complete your aircraft registration renewal? You will need to track down what is called an FAA Form AC 8050-1b–or, in simpler terms, a registration renewal form. This form can be found on the FAA’s website. Once you have sourced this document, you can then download the PDF file and print it out. Once printed, you will need to fill out this form with some basic information about your plane, as well as yourself. After you have completed this document, you can then mail it to the FAA’s office in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.
A common question that comes up from new aviators is, “How come I have to renew every three years? That seems like a hassle.” Well, on a basic level, the FAA needs to stay informed about the planes occupying U.S. skies. This makes it easier for them to conduct research when crafting new aircraft legislation. It also allows them to stay in touch with you. Sometimes in life, moves happen, and registration renewals allow plane owners like yourself to stay current with their address on record with the FAA. For their part, the FAA will reach out to plane owners from time to time with information about seminars, and they may also seek feedback about local matters.