aircraft registration

Aircraft Registration Tips (Part one)

When you are preparing to register your aircraft there are quite a few regulations and rules to follow and some things you should avoid doing or be aware of. The aircraft certificate of registration is a document that must be renewed every three years. Yet, there are a few things that you might not be…

aircraft registration form

The Aircraft Registration Form Center

We designed the National Aviation Center to be a true aircraft registration form center. The goal was to create one place, one hub where all of the important aircraft documentation could be found. Instead of having to hunt from site to site, following a bunch of links over a course of time, you could go…

airplane database

The Airplane Database: More than Just Tail Numbers

One of the main questions people ask us about the airplane database is: why? Why does the FAA maintain this database? Is it really necessary? After all, for all of the comparisons, planes aren’t really that much like cars. The odds of someone breaking into your car and stealing it, thus necessitating it being tracked, are quite…

plane registration renewal

Plane Registration Renewal – It’s the Law

Owning an aircraft, either as part of your business or company or as a personal asset, comes with a lot of responsibility. Regular maintenance of the plane is required to make sure it operates properly and safely. You also need to make sure you have the money to spend on the upkeep, insurance, and amenities…

Aircraft Registration

Aircraft Registration Tips (Part 2)

When you’re in the stages of aircraft registration there are more than a few regulations and rules you will want to be aware of. There are also some things you should avoid doing (or at least be aware of) about the certification process. As you may already know the aircraft certificate of registration is a…

reregister airplane

When You Have to Reregister Airplane

We hope this scenario doesn’t happen to you: the time comes to renew your aircraft registration, and you just don’t realize it. Maybe the Registry sent the form to an address that was no longer valid for you, or perhaps there was some other reason that caused you to miss the renewal date. So, your…

aircraft faa renewal

Staying Aboard with Aircraft FAA Renewal

When you’re a good enough pilot, you can handle practically anything. Inclement weather, substandard aircraft, lack of help from the crew, you name it. However, one thing you always need to be on top of is your aircraft registration. Without that registration, you can’t legally take your plane up in the air. Sure, there are…

a FAA change of address

Do You Need a FAA Change of Address?

Sometimes it seems like whatever bureaucratic process we need to go through can be unnecessarily complicated. Even simple tasks like filing a form are made way more complex than they should have to be, especially when it comes to paperwork for a government agency or office. Moving to a new location can be challenging enough…

Aircraft Abstract of Title

Is an Aircraft Abstract of Title Necessary?

Making the decision to purchase your own airplane is undoubtedly a big step. Not only will the transaction be one of the most expensive you ever make, but you will have new, significant responsibilities once you own the airplane. Buying a plane new from the manufacturer can be costly, which is why many people look…