Aircraft Registration

Aircraft Registration Tips (Part 2)

When you’re in the stages of aircraft registration there are more than a few regulations and rules you will want to be aware of. There are also some things you should avoid doing (or at least be aware of) about the certification process. As you may already know the aircraft certificate of registration is a…

aircraft registration

Aircraft Registration Tips (Part one)

When you are preparing to register your aircraft there are quite a few regulations and rules to follow and some things you should avoid doing or be aware of. The aircraft certificate of registration is a document that must be renewed every three years. Yet, there are a few things that you might not be…

Security Agreement

What is an Aircraft Claim of Lien?

As a first-time aircraft owner, you are probably already imagining walking across the tarmac to your shiny new plane. This will probably be a day of great weather (the best for flying) and you are ready to hit the skies and enjoy the freedom that only piloting an aircraft can create. However, upon close inspection…

make the faa exchange process much easier

Make The FAA Exchange Process Much Easier

Whether you are buying or selling a plane, you will need to complete a series of forms which show that the ownership has passed from one person to another. While this may seem very simple at first glance, it can become increasingly complicated, particularly if the transfer or exchange involved is more than a simple…

make sure your airplane records are up to date

Make Sure Your Airplane Records Are Up To Date

Just like any other form of transport, planes have to be registered with a transport body in order to move around the US unhindered by officials. In this case, you will need to have your plane registered with the FAA. However, if you have recently bought a plane, you may not know how current the…

register your plane with the faa using form

Register Your Plane With The FAA Using Form 8050-1

You are the proud owner of a new aircraft and want to know where to document the plane so that it is fully protected and registered in the US. Although a growing number of pilots have decided to register elsewhere because the form is too complicated, for most plane owners, it still makes sense to…

what is the purpose of the civil aircraft register

What Is the Purpose of The Civil Aircraft Register?

All civil aircraft must have nationalization, and this is achieved with the use of a civil aircraft register. It lets other people know what state the aircraft belongs to, which also makes it clear which state issued the certificate of registration. If your aircraft has a nationality, it has certain benefits in the same way…

one place for airplane records

One Place for Airplane Records

There’s nothing like flying your own plane. Many experiences in life are billed as making you feel “as free as a bird.” Only one experience however makes good on the promise. Flying allows you to go to places that can only be imagined and see things you wouldn’t believe at speeds that can be difficult…

aircraft reinstatement process

Aircraft Reinstatement Process

Maintaining your aircraft registration is important. It allows you to fly your aircraft. It means you don’t have to worry about whether or not your aircraft is legal. Of course, things happen. We all get very busy in our day-to-day lives. Maybe you don’t have as much time to devote to your aircraft as you…